
CocoBelle, more commonly called Coco (unless she's getting into trouble) is the baby of the group. She is 8 years old and has been with us since the beginning. Originally, she joined the family so that Princess wouldn't be lonely during the day and would have a friend. She loves sitting outside and sleeping all day in the most uncomfortable looking positions. She loves attention, even from strangers and has no sense of the phrase, "stranger danger." She doesn't mind being picked up or the coats and sweaters that accompany the colder months. She is a Coton Tzu, or a Coton de Tulear and a Shih Tzu mix (and she is, at least her face is, more Shih Tzu). She isn't allowed to stick her head out of the car window because of her "bug eyes." CocoBelle's favorite toy is a giraffe Pillow Pet that is bigger than her.


Princess is just as likely to be called "Baby Girl" as she is to be called Princess (at least by me). She is actually the oldest dog in our house and is currently 9 years old, turning 10 in May. She is also a Coton Tzu, or a Coton de Tulear and a Shih Tzu mix, and from the same breeder as CocoBelle, but they have different parents. I sometimes think of her as the dog version of me. She gets anxiety in the car (because she was flown to North Carolina from the breeder when she was a little older than most are when they are sent) and she shakes like a leaf in the wind. Fortunately, sticking her head out the window tends to help her anxiety. She is scared of loud noises including fireworks, arguments/yelling, and thunderstorms, to name a few. When these things are happening, she usually comes and finds me, letting me know that she needs to go snuggle in the basement with me. Recently, she has even started coming into my room whenever she wants, and has started laying with me while I do school work. She has a protective side when it comes to me and CocoBelle, especially if there is another (and bigger) dog. She doesn't really like new people (and guys in general Her favorite spot in the house is laying on top of the couch in the front room and looking out the curved front window, watching (and barking) at everything she sees.


Chewy is one of my grandmother's failed fosters, meaning she chose to adopt him instead of letting him leave. He is at least 10 years old and is a toy poodle. His name is ironic because when she first started fostering him, she did so because he had been recently rescued and had surgery to remove most of his teeth and to fix his fractured jaw. It's sad because he only has like one tooth now and it caused him a lot of pain but it lead to him finding a forever, or should I say, furever home with my grandma. He may be older but he definitely does not act like it or let it slow him down. Anytime my grandmother gets up, he gets up to follow her around. And when she puts on shoes, he starts barking and jumping up on her legs (he does this with me, too). He'll also scratch on the driver side window while you drive until you put it down for him, and then proceed to stick most of his little body out the window (including his little head) and he never fails to do this whenever he is in a car.


Lightning is my grandmother's cat (she used to have two but the other passed away - r.i.p. Boots). She is all white and loves to lay in boxes on the kitchen table and on the pool table in the basement. She once bit my ankle while I was sleeping when I was younger and I hate to say it but I haven't liked cats since. She is also very confusing. She'll roll onto her back so you can pet (or brush) her stomach, but then she'll try to trap your hand with her paws and try to bite you. She's playful and nice one second and in the next, she is trying to bite or scratch you. Her name is actually spelt Lighting because my grandma wanted her passwords to be harder to guess (just a little extra fact).