Regina High School - Powderpuff

Regina High School's Powderpuff Tradition

Each school year the senior class of Regina High School works together to learn the sport of Powderpuff Football, coming together as a team to play their rival, Marian High School. Every year the senior class has one uniting goal, to . . . BEAT MARIAN! This tradition began at least 50 years ago and continues to this day. All of the practice and training leads to one game, there is no second chance/game to do better or play harder. They only have one chance to win the game and the trophy that comes with it, and only one chance to defend/continue the winning streak. The outcome of this single game of flag football has the ability to set the foundation for the school year, especially for the senior class.

Defending the Four-Peat

In addition to the pressure put on the senior class to beat their long standing rival, Marian High School, the class of 2022 also has the pressure that comes with defending the four game(/year) winning streak, making it a Five-Peat if they win. Whether they win or lose also determines if the beloved Powderpuff Trophy stays at Regina High School or if it will be moved to Marian High School. Regina High School senior Lauren Spencer-Strong had a few words to say about her Powderpuff experience, writing I am so glad that the class of 2022 get the chance to play in the Powderpuff game. I'm thankful that I chose to participate and that I got to be a part of the team. You really do get the opportunity to bond and to talk to people that you really never would have talked to before. It gives you common ground with some classmates that before Powderpuff, you wouldn't really have anything to talk about. You really do get to know each other and grow closer as a class.

Regina High School's class of 2022 can't wait to BEAT MARIAN

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